Confidence in serving customers worldwide with high quality performance antennas

The people at Codestone know their products and complement this with high quality training.

Sophia Jesman

Finance & IT Director, Panorama Antenna

The Client

Panorama Antennas

Panorama Antennas is a British based family business that designs and manufactures cutting edge antennas for radio communications. Now in its third generation, the business has grown to become a global company with sales offices in six countries.

Understanding the Problem

The Challenge

The firm’s legacy system was no longer meeting the needs of an increasingly connected international business. Batch control, US tariffs and goods in transit were all areas of the business that required careful oversight and the existing system did not handle data and product management adequately.

Panorama Antennas needed a scalable ERP that could support its data management requirements as well as satisfy its complex production and manufacturing processes.


The Solution

Making it Work

Codestone implemented SAP Business One as a better fit for the growing business. Panorama Antennas uses almost every part of the standardised system from finance through to operations, and has gained oversight of all four businesses internationally giving it full traceability for all its production processes. In total there are about 65 users across UK, USA, Australia and France, with the majority based in London.

Batch traceability ensures the organisation maintains quality control and auditing of each product and its life cycle. If there’s a problem then the firm has full visibility and traceability throughout manufacturing and sales.

All stock is recorded with Codescan, a Codestone-unique barcode scanning resource tool that has reduced the scope for errors and improved the manageability of maintaining stock and batch control.

The usability of SAP Business One is impressive and it suits our needs and size of organisation. As it runs in SQL we’re able to manage and interrogate our own data easily, as we have in house expertise.

Sophia Jesman

Finance & IT Director, Panorama Antennas

Discover the Benefits

  • Data

    Panorama has full accessibility of data which has greatly improved workflows, enabling staff to plan and schedule up to 80 tasks a day

  • 24/7

    Customer experience has been enriched as Panorama’s work orders are responded to faster and more confidently

  • The goods in transit process is now more seamless as data accuracy gives Panorama the visibility to make better and quicker decisions and maintain a precise P&L

  • flag

    US trade risks and exporting is easily managed in SAP Business One as Panorama has efficient labelling for tariff codes, country of origin and batch numbers

SAP Business One has improved the manageability of our production and manufacturing activities on a global scale, reducing errors and making it easier for our users to deploy.

Sophia Jesman

Finance & IT Director, Panorama Antenna

We should be talking.
It will be worth it

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